Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday afternoon Bike Ride

Sunday afternoon I went on a bike ride with Momma and Papa. I had a cool water pack that I got to drink out of while we were riding. I even got to wear my new Bike Suit!
Even though we hadn't started riding yet, I was VERY thirsty!
Me with Papa and Momma... getting ready to go.
I was a little upset here because my cool water straw started leaking and got me all wet. I quickly got over it and LOVED the bike ride. We rode around the airport so we got to see a lot of planes taking off and landing. We even saw a plane come in for a landing right over us. I LOVED IT!
Derek had a great nap at Gran and Papa's while we were on the bike ride. This is the new swing that they bought to keep at their house. This used to be my shirt... I guess Momma thinks we are BOTH "future Mr. Right" .

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Has anyone ever told you that you look just like your dad? I'm sure everyone has. Fun bike ride!