Last night Mommy switched me from my infant seat into my big boy car seat! She bought it right after Christmas and has been saving it for the perfect time. Mommy used a gift card that Daddy's work had given him when I was born along with Christmas money from Grandpa Eisenhour, Grandma Jean and Grandpa Bob, and Meme and Poppy. I know A LOT of love went into my new car seat! I give it a THUMBS UP!
This week we got to go swimming at Bob and Jean's pool. We had to take a break and have a cold snack. Working on our tan! Working our way into the pool Derek and Grandma Jean Our friend Kate came over to go swimming with us.
This weekend we went with Papa and Gran to Galveston so that Papa could compete in the Lonestar halfiron man Triathlon. Most of the triathlon pictures are on Gran's camera but here are a few shots from the weekend. My future little Lifeguards...following mommy's footsteps.
Here is Papa at the end of the race. He did a GREAT job. He came in 8th in his age group. He swam 1.2 miles, biked 56 miles, and ran 13.1 miles to the finish line. WE ARE SO PROUD OF HIM!!! It was very exciting to be on the side lines cheering him on.
Gran and Dylan sitting in the shade waiting to watch Papa run by.
We enjoyed getting to go to the beach on Saturday before Sunday's race.
I think you could say that Derek LOVED playing the the sand and Dylan LOVED having the water come up over his feet. We hope to go back with Daddy once he gets done studying!
The laugh was just as cute as the smile!
My Dylan's cute little feet!
Derek intently studying all of that sand!
There was NO way that I was going to get them to look at the camera. All they wanted to do was play in the sand!
Hanging Out outside blowing some bubbles Not the best picture, but showing off my middle split. I am officially crawling from room to room and even BEAR CRAWLING! Walking here I come!
Mommy's project... We have a lot of flower beds, big ones, and we weren't sure how to make them look half way decent. Mommy is not very good at keeping anything alive so the plan is to mulch them and get some big planters to stick on top (we copied the idea from several of the neighbors) Mommy pulled out all of the weeds and Daddy figured out how much mulch we would need. A BIG DUMP truck came to the house and delivered 10 yards of mulch. Mommy finally got it all put out. Pictures of that to come...