Friday, February 20, 2009

Derek is 9 months!

On Monday Derek turned 9 months old! He weighed 29.2 pounds and was 28 inches long. I was a little surprised at his percentiles. He is in the 25th for weight and 10th for height. I bet we grow a lot before our 1 year check up!
We have had a big month. We are rolling a lot and have started crawling backward! He is just so sweet and loving! He loves to be outside and loves to play with Dylan.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day and a 3- point Stance!

Will you be my Valentine?

Daddy suprised Mommy and got her a new Bible for Valentine's Day. She LOVES it! It is purple and has her name on it. (Her old Bible still had Amanda Pait on it :)
Daddy got a new Bible too!
Look at my 3-point stance!
Tackling Daddy!!!
I love playing football with my Daddy!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend with family

Derek's first time to go down a slide! I think he liked it!
This weekend Papa Barry, Zaine, and Gracie came to visit from Oklahoma
Cousin Zaine
Cousin Gracie
Aunt Dana and Derek
Dylan with Zaine and Gracie
Papa Barry and Derek
Super Dylan! (look close, he is wearing his cape!)
Dylan LOVES having cousin Zaine to play with!
Playing baseball with Papa Barry

Thursday, February 5, 2009

rock climbing

My daddy built me a rock climbing wall!

All by myself!
Mommy looking a little tired!

Baseball practice

Ready to practice hitting
I am a little too short, so I use the cool aerobic step to help me reach the tee

My little fan!

crawling practice

Ready for practice!

This is hard work!

Monday, February 2, 2009

A busy Sunday!

We had a very busy Sunday! We went to church, came home and drove to Lindsey, Texas for a birthday party. After the birthday party we went to a Super bowl party. Derek and I were REALLY tired!!
My friend Henry was turning 5, he has really fun toys in his backyard!
This is me and Simon on the motorized F-150! This was by far my favorite part! I want my Daddy to buy me one!
Sarah hanging out with Derek!
We got to hit a pinata!! When it finally broke, candy came out!
Dressed in our matching outfits and ready for the busy day!!