On Monday Derek turned 9 months old! He weighed 29.2 pounds and was 28 inches long. I was a little surprised at his percentiles. He is in the 25th for weight and 10th for height. I bet we grow a lot before our 1 year check up!
We have had a big month. We are rolling a lot and have started crawling backward! He is just so sweet and loving! He loves to be outside and loves to play with Dylan.
Daddy suprised Mommy and got her a new Bible for Valentine's Day. She LOVES it! It is purple and has her name on it. (Her old Bible still had Amanda Pait on it :)
We had a very busy Sunday! We went to church, came home and drove to Lindsey, Texas for a birthday party. After the birthday party we went to a Super bowl party. Derek and I were REALLY tired!!
My friend Henry was turning 5, he has really fun toys in his backyard!
This is me and Simon on the motorized F-150! This was by far my favorite part! I want my Daddy to buy me one!
Sarah hanging out with Derek!
We got to hit a pinata!! When it finally broke, candy came out!
Dressed in our matching outfits and ready for the busy day!!